The workout program is set up into 4 phases, each lasting one month. They are also named after the different phases a baby will go through. The first phase is called the "Roll-Out" Phase. Just like a baby begins to roll on their side as they start moving more, that's what this phase is all about. You are beginning to move more and as you increase muscle strength, you will soon be rolling on your side to the get ready for the next phase.
The next phase is called the "Crawl" Phase. Once a baby gets comfortable rolling out and possibly even rolling onto their stomach, they will begin to use their muscles more to start being able to crawl. That is when they become more mobile. During this phase, you will start to be pushed a little more, but still on the precautionary side. You will begin to use dumbbells and strengthen yourself more so you can work your way to the next phase.
The third phase is called the "Walk" phase. Once your baby has learned balance and stability, and has also gained some strength, they will then begin walking. The first two phases of this program build you the base of balance, stability, and strength that you need to take on the next phase, which is walking. During this phase, you will begin to embrace your new found strength and start taking bigger steps. You'll be challenged more with an added workout day and more intense exercises. This phase will focus more on increasing strength and really picking up that endurance to prepare you for the final phase of the program.
The final phase of the program is called the "Run" phase. You have made it to the very end of the program. Once your baby has become comfortable with walking and has gained much strength, they'll begin to wander and start running. This is when you look at your baby and reminisce on where your baby started and how much they have grown and progressed. That is what will be happening during this phase. You are now beginning to run and moving on up your fitness journey. There will be another added workout day and an increase in intensity. You will be greatly challenged, but you will look back and see how far you have come.
You will be walked through every phase of the program. You will follow the program on an app on your phone that will allow you to track every exercise and much more! Every exercise will be accompanied by a tutorial video in case you are not sure how to perform it. And if you ever have any questions, you can always reach out to me via the app!
Interested in learning more about the program? Send me a message or if you are ready to sign up for the program, click here!