When you are on a diet, one of the main things you might eat a lot of is chicken and I know that after a while it can become the worst thing ever that you force yourself to eat. But, there's some good news! You don't have to stick to the boring old chicken anymore, there are ways to spice things up. Pun intended!
This is one of my favorite recipes! It's quick and easy to make, but most importantly it's quite delicious. First, I would like to cover the common misconception of the word "diet". The word "diet" is defined as the types of food a person habitually eats. So it doesn't necessarily mean that it's healthy food or that you restrict yourself to a limited amount. All it means is what you tend to eat often.
So, if all you eat is vegetables or plant based food, then you have a vegetarian diet, just like if all you eat is pizza, burgers, and whatever else you feel like eating, then you have a "F*ck It Diet". I'm sure you get the point now.
If you're trying to eat healthier, I highly recommend trying this recipe out and adding it to your diet! I have made this so many times and I am nowhere near tired of it. If you are trying to keep a healthy diet, then with this recipe you should be less tempted to cheat on it.
Don't forget to add steamed rice and asparagus to make it even more delicious!
Just Follow the recipe below and let us know how it turned out! :)
Yield: 4 servings